A brick residential home has been overhauled inside to provide the 501(C)(3) non-profit Grace Speaks with three well-equipped clinic rooms for families in need...
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 26 percent of adults in the United States lives with some type of disability, but the disability is not the whole of who they are. People First Language offers a way to communicate that message.
The STABLE Account program, which is Ohio’s ABLE Plan, provides tax-advantaged savings and investment opportunities to individuals with disabilities without risk of losing means-tested benefits.
The artists at Kan Du Studio are expanding their offerings. While the studio’s iconic stars continue to be popular, graphic t-shirts and cell phone...
Families from around the United States and Canada traveled to Findlay in September for the very first Miracle League All-Star Event. Held September 14-16...
If you’re a parent of a child with special needs, know you’re not alone. Here in Northwest Ohio there are abundant resources available to help you, your child and your family make the most of every day.
On Saturday, July 14th Local parents involved with the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo (DSAGT) hosted the 5th Anniversary of “Get Dirty for...