December Findlay Free Events


Bluffton Blaze of Lights

Amid towering lighted evergreens, the Ream folk art display turns the downtown business district into a sparkling destination for the month of December.!/details/Bluffton-Blaze-of-Lights/12765749/2023-12-01T17



Bethlehem Experience

Free community event the first two weekends in December. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the ancient days on this guided tour.!/details/Bethlehem-Experience/12491470/2023-12-01T18



Kiwanis Santa’s House

Visitors can meet with Santa, enjoy cookies and hot chocolate, or go on a wagon ride in Downtown to get in the festive spirit.Each Friday through Christmas.!/details/Kiwanis-Santa-s-House/12491469/2023-12-01T18


SUN, Dec. 3

Woodpeckers: Open House

The seven species of woodpeckers found in Ohio will be the topic. Find out about their many adaptations, and why snags and dead trees are so important to them.!/details/Woodpeckers-Open-House/12770082/2023-12-03T13


Sunday Funday at Mazza Museum

Enjoy art activities, games, hands-on educational stations, interactive STEAM activities, planetarium shows, and more. Registration is required.!/details/Funday-Sunday/12491477/2023-12-03T13


TUE, Dec. 5

Fun for All: Free Holiday Movie Night at MCPA

Holiday Movie Night with National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation at Marathon Center for the Performing Arts. No ticket is needed.!/details/Fun-for-All-Free-Holiday-Movie-Night-at-MCPA/12773232/2023-12-05T19


THURS, Dec. 7

The Gift of Presence

Gift yourself this hour to learn how being present can help you create balance this holiday season.!/details/The-Gift-of-Presence/12725241/2023-12-07T18


FRI, Dec. 8

Oyster Christmas Ornaments

Holidays are coming and here is your chance to make a very special Ornament out of an Oyster shell.!/details/Oyster-Christmas-Ornaments/12760017/2023-12-08T18


SUN, Dec. 10

McKinnis House Holiday Gathering: Open House

Join the McKinnis family as they gather for the holidays.!/details/McKinnis-House-Holiday-Gathering-Open-House/12654933/2023-12-10T15


MON, Dec. 11

Wee Ones: Fun on the Ice

The days are getting colder, and the ice is starting to form on the river and lakes. It is time to play and pretend that you are on the ice having fun. Ages 3 and under with an adult; other aged siblings are welcome to attend.!/details/Wee-Ones-Fun-on-the-Ice/12770081/2023-12-11T10


TUE, Dec. 12

Fireside Story: Gingerbread Baby

It is cold outside and a fine time to visit the Discovery Center and enjoy a story by the fireside.!/details/Fireside-Story-Gingerbread-Baby/12760016/2023-12-12T10


THURS, Dec. 14

Melted Snowman Christmas Cards

Melted snowman Christmas cards will be made for this holiday season. Cards will be created with construction paper, white tempera paint, and other crafting materials.!/details/Melted-Snowman-Christmas-Cards/12760015/2023-12-14T18


MON, Dec. 18

Discovery Stories: Snowflakes

Winter is approaching and that means snow might be coming. This month, learn about snowflakes and read a story. Ages 4-5 with an adult; other aged siblings are welcome to attend.!/details/Discovery-Stories-Snowflakes/12770079/2023-12-18T10


THURS, Dec. 21

First Day of Winter Night Hike

The winter solstice gives us the most darkness of any day during the year, almost 15 hours. Will nocturnal animals who have not gone to sleep for the winter, like raccoons and opossums, be enjoying the night? Bundle up as we head to the trails to find out.!/details/First-Day-of-Winter-Night-Hike/12654931/2023-12-21T18


FRI, Dec. 22

Holiday Fun: Open House

Children should come over to the Discovery Center to celebrate the first day of winter break. There will be hot chocolate by the fireplace and an opportunity to help count winter resident birds.!/details/Holiday-Fun-Open-House/12770077/2023-12-22T13

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