Feasel's Kids Kamp Klasses

Thursday, 7.7 / Feasel’s Home & Garden Center

Kids learn about insects and how they benefit your garden, then create a project to take home during Feasel's Kids Kamp Klasses. Create a miniature garden; learn about butterflies and make a butterfly feeder; learn how worms benefit gardens and make a worm composting bin; discover the world of ladybugs and take home a glazed pot with ladybugs to release; and learn the benefits of bees along with a craft. Classes are: Miniature Garden 1-2:30pm July 7, $20/child; Butterflies 3-4:30pm July 11 and 1-2:30pm July 14, $10/child; Squiggly Wiggly Worms 3-4:30pm July 18 and 1-2:30pm July 21, $20/child; Ladybugs 3-4:30pm July 25 and 1-2:30pm July 28, $10/per child; Get the Buzz on Bees 3-4:30pm Aug. 1 and 1-2:30pm Aug. 4, $5/child. Call Feaselís to register prior to the class, some classes have a minimum age. Payment can be made the day of the class.

Feaselís Home and Garden Center | 2330 Bright Rd.
419-423-4223 | feasels.com

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