WholyFit Blends Worship, Fellowship And Fitness

WholyFit is a system of Christian worship mixed with movement. It can be an alternative to yoga and also incorporates moves from pilates, tai chi and more. But what truly makes WholyFit different from other workout classes is that each movement is linked to scripture, worship music is played and participants are prompted to focus on their faith throughout the class. In a nutshell, WholyFit is a great way for Christians to break a sweat while praising God.

Different locations and times

Karin Johnson teaches WholyFit classes at Gateway Church’s North Main Campus on Monday mornings and Evangelical Free Church on Tuesday Evenings. As a former yoga instructor, she sees the importance of flexibility and strength in keeping our bodies healthy. She felt conflicted with yoga’s spiritual roots and felt God lead her to Wholy Fit where she lights up with passion talking about her faith and her classes. “When you find that you take God’s word and you move to it, it infuses into you in a deeper way. The power of all of us coming together and speaking those words together or praying together is really cool,” explains Johnson.

A welcoming experience

I attended a Monday morning class. The set-up was similar to yoga with the instructor seated at the front and participants each on their own mats. There were five different women attending and all were very friendly and welcoming. Johnson began with a prayer and warmed up with a series of stretching and strengthening exercises. We then flowed through standing routines which felt similar to yoga and Pilates movements with scripture being spoken as the focus. The routines challenged different muscles and in some poses I felt like a ballet dancer (I secretly love that!).

Class ended in a relaxation pose with lavender aromatherapy. Throughout the workout I never felt awkward or out of place as a first-timer. In fact, I felt the group was more laid-back and laughed more than others I have been to, which I appreciated. This would be a great class for all fitness levels, including beginners. Johnson strives for this result as she explains, “I want people to feel comfortable and feel like they belong.”

WholyFit classes break for December
and start back up in January
A $5 donation is suggested from participants
For more information email Johnson at
karinjohnson@wholyfit.org or text 419-957-3117

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