Cardio Fusion At The YMCA

The Findlay Family YMCA is an excellent group fitness value. With over 60 classes per week, split between two locations, including water aerobics, TRX, yoga, cycling and more, it is convenient for those with young kids and busy schedules to get a workout in. Several classes are free for YMCA members and family membership holders get free childcare while they use the YMCA.

A favorite instructor, Sara Boutwell, teaching group fitness for 18 year, currently teaches several classes each week at the Y. Boutwell has quite the following and her popular classes book up quickly. When asked to identify her favorite part of teaching, she says “I just love helping others feel good about themselves and giving them a jump-start to their day. I like the group class atmosphere— it pushes me and I can push them.”

Cardio with a twist

Wednesday mornings at 9:15 Sara teaches Cardio Fusion (free for members), which she describes as “cardio with a twist,” following a repeating 30-30-30 sequence including 30 seconds of cardio, 30 seconds of toning and 30 seconds of abs. The room is packed with 25 participants.

After a brief warm-up the workout started with the cardio-toning-abs pattern including a variety of moves like burpees, jumping jacks, squats with weights and standing abdominal crunches. We ended the one-hour class with a fun “dice game,” rolling a large die, where each side denoted a different exercise to complete.

An excellent motivator

What makes Sara’s classes stand out is her ability to keep everyone motivated. She often cheered us on, shouting “only 10 more seconds!” and “almost there, keep going!” She mixes up the workouts each week to keep participants from getting bored and explains modifications when needed. At the end of the class I was a sweaty mess, feeling like I got a great workout. Even with other Wednesday commitments, I try to make it to this class whenever I can. It’s just that good.

For more information about the Findlay Family YMCA
go to or call 419-422-4424.

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