Teens are invited to Findlay-Hancock County Public Library’s Teen Night on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 6 pm to learn about American Sign Language and Deaf culture.
Faculty and students from The University of Findlay will join Findlay-Hancock County Public Library for a free community event. Teens from 6th grade to 12th grade will learn ASL basics like the alphabet, colors and other different vocabulary words. Registration for the event is required and can be done online.
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Leah Brant, M.A.E., will be presenting the program on ASL and Deaf culture, explained the various topics that they will explore during the teen night.
Teens will “explore the amazing world of ASL and the community whose uses ASL as their primary language,” Brant, who is an assistant professor of teaching in American Sign Language at the University of Findlay, said about the event.
“(Teens) will learn the ASL manual alphabet, food signs, sport signs, as well as cultural awareness for community,” Brant said.
University of Findlay ASL students will also share their passion for ASL and Deaf culture to teens at the event.
If you are unable to make it to this Teen Night, there are many others throughout the year at the library, Jen Hoadley, Teen Services Associate at Findlay-Hancock County Public Library, said.
The next Teen Night will be all about anime. In partnership with the University of Findlay, teens will eat snacks and discuss the movie Your Name.
“Our next planned teen night is an anime night on Tuesday, September 26th. We will be partnering with The University of Findlay’s Director of Modern Languages and some of their Japanese students for this program,” Hoadley said.
For more information on future events at Findlay-Hancock County Public Library visit their online calendar on their website.
If you are interested in this event, register online at http://findlaylibrary.evanced.info/eventsignup.asp?ID=17381&rts=&disptype=&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&returnToSearch=&num=0&ad=&dt=mo&mo=9/1/2023&df=calendar&EventType=ALL&Lib=&AgeGroup=ALL&LangType=0&WindowMode=&noheader=&lad=&pub=1&nopub=&page=&pgdisp=.