Findlay City Schools Safety and Security Levy

Students, parents, teachers and administrators for Findlay City Schools are encouraging Findlay residents to vote yes on Issue 5 on November 6th. The 1.5-mill school levy funds would increase safety measures across all Findlay City Schools. “The funds will be used to help enhance, strengthen and supplement what we already have in place,” explains Mike Barnhart, treasurer of Findlay City Schools.

If Issue 5 passes, trained police officers will be present in every FCS building at some point during every school day. Costs for the additional police officers will be split between the school district and the city. Additional mental health services would be added, providing training for teachers along with a clinical counselor to work with emotionally disturbed children. Surveillance and security cameras will also be upgraded with a live video feed to first responders.

The need for additional security in the schools was a concern that arose at a community meeting last March. “Issue 5 is a balanced solution. We want to make it affordable, so we are keeping the millage rate to a minimum for the taxpayers. At the same time, we believe the enhanced security measures will make a noticeable difference,” explains Barnhart.

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