Meet Local Heroes: Flag City Night Out at Riverside Park

The first step in establishing a safe community involves a strong relationship between the first responders and civilians of an area. This has been statistically shown to reduce crime, increase trust in law enforcement, and establish a sense of security for both the police and the kids of the neighborhood. Findlay has brought this opportunity to their city in the hopes of creating a welcoming environment to facilitate their first responders’ daily interactions with civilians, and to have some fun.

Flag City Night Out is an event for the entire family to meet their local heroes. Visitors will be able to talk directly with EMTs, police officers and firemen about their day-to-day life as they help the community. They can even see the real equipment they carry with them during every shift. This gives anyone a chance to understand what it’s like to be an officer, paramedic and a firefighter.

This event will be held at Riverside Park on Tuesday, August 2, from 6-9pm with all of Findlay and other nearby towns encouraged to attend. There will be lots of other activities going on to celebrate these heroes like games, live demonstrations, live entertainment, and free food. As for those who can’t make it, you can still show your support for your first responders. Put a blue bulb in your outdoor house lights to signify that you stand alongside your local heroes. 

This type of event isn’t just unique to Findlay. National Night Out is a movement all across the U.S. For more information on this widespread cause, go to

To learn more about Flag City Night Out and other local Findlay happenings, go to 2022 Flag City Night Out-August 2, 2022 | Newsroom | City of Findlay, OH (

Social media: Interested in meeting your local first responder heroes? Come to Flag City Night Out in Dayton, Ohio at Riverside Park on Tuesday, August 2nd from 6-9pm. Visitors will be able to meet their community’s firefighters, police officers, and EMTs and participate in other fun activities! Games, demonstrations, entertainment, and free food will be provided. For more info, go to “2022 Flag City Night Out-August 2, 2022 | Newsroom | City of Findlay, OH (

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